We have some complaints about the Premium Account and Premium Key/Voucher. Please read and understand what it is.
- Premium Key/Voucher: It is sent in an email's content or SMS, it has many words content [a-z] [0-9].
- Premium Account: It is sent in an email's content or SMS also, you will see it as Username / Password. You can use it to log into filesharing service without activation.
Order ID: Order ID will show on email title. It only has number from [0-9], example #100056789
Order ID is not Premium Key/Voucher, and Premium Key/Voucher is not order ID. Premium Key/Voucher contains numbers and words is different than Order ID contains number only.
You can not use Premium Account to log in to ShopKey.net, please login to the filesharing service.
Example: You bought Rapidgator Premium Coupon, we send you an Rapidgator Premium Coupon, you can only login that account on Rapidgator website, you never login it at ShopKey.net